home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 2 goto10
- 5 dime$(20,22),d$(20),zx(20),zy(20),qa(8),qb(8),tw(20),h$(20,22):return
- 10 rem jerry caron
- 12 rem berkley st.
- 14 rem berkley,ma.
- 20 rem initialize
- 30 print"[147] find a word"
- 40 print"are you using":print"a vic 20[146] or a 64[146]"
- 42 input"enter 20 or 64 64[157][157][157][157]";ma:ifma<>20and ma<>64then42
- 44 input"load a previous puzzle (y or n)";lp$
- 45 iflp$<>"y"andlp$<>"n"thenprint"[145][145][145][145]":goto44
- 46 iflp$="y"thengosub1000
- 55 ifma=20thenpoke36879,8
- 56 print:print
- 57 input" puzzle size (10-20) 20[157][157][157][157]";ms
- 58 ifms<10orms>20then57
- 59 gosub950
- 60 print"[147] setting up please wait..."
- 70 ifsw$<>"y"thengosub5
- 80 fori=1toms:forj=1toms:e$(i,j)="":next:next
- 90 restore:forj=1toop:fori=1to8 : readqa(i),qb(i):next:next
- 100 data.,-1,1,-1,1,.,1,1,.,1,-1,1,-1,.,-1,-1,.,1,1,-1,1,1,1,.,.,1,1,-1,1,1,1,.
- 103 data.,1,1,.,.,-1,-1,.,.,1,1,.,.,-1,-1,.,.,1,1,.,.,1,1,.,.,1,1,.,.,1,1,.
- 108 ifsw$="y"then310
- 110 fori=1toms:d$(i)="":zx(i)=0:zy(i)=0:next
- 200 rem input words
- 205 iflp$="y"then310
- 210 print"[147]how many words (max ";ms-op+1;")"
- 220 input nd$
- 230 print:nw=val(nd$):ifnw<1ornw>ms-op+1then210
- 240 print"[147] now type in the words"
- 250 print"each must be between 3 and ";int(.76*ms);" letters"
- 260 fori=1tonw
- 270 printi"[157]) ";
- 280 input"[157]";d$(i)
- 290 if len(d$(i))<3 or len(d$(i))>int(.76*ms)thenprintchr$(13)"[145][145][145]":goto270
- 300 print:next
- 310 open4,4
- 315 print#4,spc(ms-5);chr$(14)+"find the words"+chr$(15):print#4:print#4
- 316 iflp$="y"thenprint#4,"puzzle name : ";np$:print#4
- 317 forr=1to3*ms+4:print#4,"*";:nextr:print#4:print#4
- 320 fori=1tonw
- 330 print#4,d$(i);spc(ms-len(d$(i)));:ifi=4ori=8ori=12ori=16thenprint#4,:
- 340 next
- 350 print#4,:print#4,:forr=1to3*ms+4 :print#4,"*";:nextr:print#4,:print#4,"*";
- 360 print#4," ";spc(3*ms+1);"*"
- 370 close4:iflp$="y"then700
- 380 ifep$="y"then700
- 400 rem place
- 410 print"[147] making grid "
- 420 print" please wait"
- 430 pw=0:forab=1tonw:pw=pw+1
- 440 zx(pw)=int(ms*rnd(1)+1)
- 450 zy(pw)=int(ms*rnd(1)+1)
- 460 dr=int(8*rnd(1)+1):tw(pw)=dr
- 470 cx=zx(pw)+len(d$(pw))*qa(dr):cy=zy(pw)+len(d$(pw))*qb(dr)
- 480 ifcx<1orcx>msorcy<1orcy>msthen440
- 490 f=0:forck=0tolen(d$(pw))-1
- 500 z1$=mid$(d$(pw),ck+1,1):z2$=e$(zx(pw)+ck*qa(dr),zy(pw)+ck*qb(dr))
- 510 ifz2$<>""andz1$<>z2$thenf=1
- 520 next:iff=1then440
- 530 forck=0tolen( d$(pw))-1
- 540 z1$=mid$(d$(pw),ck+1,1):e$(zx(pw)+ck*qa(dr),zy(pw)+ck*qb(dr))=z1$
- 550 next
- 560 next ab
- 600 rem print search matrix
- 610 print"[147]"
- 620 print"":fory=1toms:forx=1toms
- 621 ifms<20anddx=1thenprint
- 622 h$(x,y)=e$(x,y):ife$(x,y)=""thenh$(x,y)="-"
- 625 ife$(x,y)=""thene$(x,y)=mid$(d$(nw*rnd(1)+1),3*rnd(1)+1,1)
- 640 ifma=64thenprinte$(x,y);" ";:goto660
- 650 ifma=20thenprinte$(x,y);
- 660 next
- 670 ifma=20thenprint
- 690 c=0:next
- 700 open4,4
- 710 fory=1toms:print#4,"* ";:forx=1toms
- 720 print#4,e$(x,y);" ";
- 730 next:print#4,"*":print#4,"*";spc(3*ms+2);"*":next
- 740 forr=1to3*ms+4:print#4,"*";:nextr:print#4,:print#4:close4
- 800 print"[147]":lp$="":gs$="":sp$="":s$="" :ep$="":sw$=""
- 805 input"want the answers y or n y[157][157][157]";gs$
- 807 ifgs$="y"thenprint" don't peek!":gosub900
- 808 print" save the puzzle (y or n)";
- 809 inputsp$:ifsp$="y"theninput" name of puzzle";np$:np$=np$+".ws":gosub1100
- 810 input"y[146]es to run again y[157][157][157]";s$:ifs$<>"y"thenend
- 820 input"want exact same puzzle (y or n)";ep$:ifep$="y"then310
- 830 input"want the same words (y or n)";sw$:ifsw$="y" then1200
- 840 ifep$="n"thenclr:goto44
- 860 print"[147] program over":end
- 900 open4,4
- 903 fori=1to10-2*ms:print#4:next
- 910 fory=1toms :forx=1toms
- 911 print#4,h$(x,y);" ";
- 920 next:print#4:next
- 930 print#4:close4:return
- 940 rem direction option menu
- 950 print"[147] word direction options [146]"
- 960 print" 1. every direction"
- 965 print" 2. no reversed words"
- 970 print" 3. no diagonal words"
- 975 print" 4. no diagonal or reversed words"
- 980 input"choose option[146] (1-4) 1[157][157][157]";op
- 982 ifop<1orop>4thenprint"[145][145][145]":goto980
- 985 return
- 1000 rem load routine*****************
- 1005 open15,8,15:print#15,"i0"
- 1010 print"name of puzzle";:inputnp$:np$=np$+".ws"
- 1020 open1,8,8,np$+",s,r"
- 1025 input#15,e,e$,e1,e2
- 1027 ifethenprint"program aborted *error* ";e$:close1:close15:end
- 1030 input#1,ms
- 1031 input#1,nw
- 1032 input#1,op
- 1035 gosub5
- 1040 fory=1toms:forx=1toms
- 1050 input#1,e$(x,y)
- 1060 next:next
- 1065 fori=1tonw:input#1,d$(i):next
- 1066 fory=1toms:forx=1toms
- 1067 input#1,h$(x,y)
- 1068 next:next
- 1070 close1:close15
- 1080 goto310
- 1100 rem save routine*****************
- 1101 print"saving puzzle"
- 1103 open15,8,15:print#15,"i0"
- 1110 open1,8,8,"0:"+np$+",s,w"
- 1115 input#15,e,e$,e1,e2:ifethenprint"prg. aborted *error* ";e$:close15:end
- 1120 print#1,ms
- 1121 print#1,nw
- 1125 print#1,op
- 1130 fory=1toms:forx=1toms
- 1140 print#1,e$(x,y)
- 1150 next:next
- 1155 fori=1tonw:print#1,d$(i):next
- 1158 fory=1toms:forx=1toms
- 1159 print#1,h$(x,y)
- 1160 next:next
- 1165 close1:close15
- 1170 return
- 1200 print"please wait":forx=1to20:fory=1to22:e$(x,y)="":h$(x,y)="":next:next
- 1210 forx=1to20:zx(x)=0:zy(x)=0:tw(x)=0:next:forx=1to8:qa(x)=0:qb(x)=0:next
- 1220 goto59